Book Reviews & Interviews

Book Reviews: 'Stem Cell Revolution: Discover 26 Disruptive Technological Advances to Stem Cell Activators,' by Joseph Christiano, ND

"Stem Cell Revolution features testimonials of people who have seen their pain disappear, COPD reversed, and kidney function restored, among other benefits."
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Book Reviews: ‘Stem Cell Revolution: Discover 26 Disruptive Technological Advances to Stem Cell Activators,’ by Joseph Christiano, ND

"With Stem Cell Revolution, Christiano provides a complete guide to a veritable revolution in medicine."
by Patricia Gale from
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Interview: Joseph Christiano, ND, Author of ‘Stem Cell Revolution: Discover 26 Disruptive Technological Advances in Stem Cell Activation’

"Having reviewed the book for this site, I was curious about Christiano’s perspective. He used stem cell therapies himself to recover from crippling bouts of pain and other health issues. As a health professional he believes it’s vital to educate the public on these revolutionary treatment options. As a person, he knows they work."
by Patricia Gale from
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